Our Team

Haridwar Rishikesh Tourism Team

India Easy Trip Private Limited a company registered in the city of Haridwar Uttarakhand, India. These Haridwar Rishikesh hioliday tours in India are just a sampling as we have many more to choose from and can be easily modified to your wishes.

Our Team is big enough to serve you and small enough to know you.

Chairman :- Mr. Vinod Kumar and Mrs. Madhu

Mr. Sunil Saini (CEO)
B.com + 11 Years Experience

Mr. Vijay Kumar (TOUR MANAGER)
MBA + 04 Years Experience of Tour and travel

Mr. Alpesh (Assistant Manager)
BA + 04 Years Experience of Tour and Travel

Mr. Ashish (Transport Manager)
12th + 03 Years Experience of Transport Management.

Mr. Suuny Dhiman (Executive)
B.com + 4 Years Experience of Tour and travel.

Other working Members : -
All in one: - Mr. Vishal / Mr. Kandari / Mr. Sanjay / Mr. Lalit /
